Watch, laugh & engage! Belmonts Bannermen is a collection of video game players that will entertain you and for worthy causes.

The causes we fundraise for are chosen by the people who you see on screen. Heed the call as well as the Bannermen to help our friends in need. We promise to keep you entertained while we do it!

Here's the team!


is one of the co-captains of Belmont's Bannermen. He's currently a speedrunner of Castlevania: Bloodlines and is working on expanding to other Castlevania games and few others. Paul says that the Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack is the best video game soundtrack ever and will die on that hill.



"Website asks for bio
Have silly haiku instead


People wrangler, PC gamer, and tech guy. Find him in the real world with a beard wearing flannel and listening to improvised podcasts. PNW native who loves whiskey and being overly excited for disc golf, which no one wants to play with him.

The whole crew usually gets together to stream the second Friday of the month! But, you can reliably find someone streaming on our channel every Friday. It might be Fraydnot or Paul speedrunning Castlevania. OR, it might be a DeluxeFrogsicle or Talbot doing some let's play nonsense.

What we do, and what we've done

We provide a little community on a twitch stream, one marathon at a time. You can expect us to stream on most Fridays at and every so often (about 3 times a year) a whole weekend of gaming. We will keep everyone updated via Twitter as to who we'll be supporting next. Find us on Twitter and Facebook to drop in a suggestion: and

What we've done:

  • Play for Planned Parenthood 2017
  • Play for Planned Parenthood 2018
  • Play for Planned Parenthood 2019
  • Extra Life 2018
  • Extra Life 2019
  • Campout for Ten Trees 2019 (A fundraiser for